Janice Lee

Heartland 2011

Fundraising Completed

Heartland 2011

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I am writing to you to tell you what has been going on in my life briefly and also to ask for your support.

My past few years in Korea have been somewhat challenging, but more interesting and blessing. I can’t believe how quickly the years have passed and how amazingly and continuously God has provided. While teaching at Hallym University, I have met many wonderful students and teachers who are from all over the world, and I had been given chances to share His blessings with them both through bible studies and through personal contacts . One of the best experiences I had at Hallym was to organize a bible study during my first year at Hallym, which has now become a regular Sunday worship service on campus with a pastor from Michigan and Washington (Was this in God’s plan all along? I’m sure it was.) In addition, we were blessed even more to start up a worship service at another university near Hallym and organize a monthly joint worship service just a few months ago. Although it has been quite a challenge to commute between Seoul and Chuncheon every Sunday, I’ve come to enjoy the ride with God and look forward to this regular Sunday drive with Him even.

This summer, I had originally volunteered to participate in a summer camp program at our university, thinking that I could save some money to take a real vacation in August.  But, it was cancelled in the last minute, and I realized that God had a different plan than of my own.  Submitting to Him, I decided to join the Heartland Team for a short term domestic missions, organized by Jubilee Church to serve children in Namyangjoo City just last week.  This will be my second trip to Namyangjoo, and I can’t wait to find out what exciting things God will lead us to this time. My team and I will be serving over 250 children in an English VBS in a rural part of Korea from August 6th through August 12th.  Also, we will partner up with local churches and mentor high school volunteers in the evening.

Now, I would like to invite you to join this ministry by supporting us!  First, our team needs your prayers. Please pray for God's guidance and direction for the team. May the Lord allow great wisdom and strong leadership to our leaders and the unity among the members. Also, please pray for the people in Namyangjoo that they may personally experience God and come to love Him during this period.

We need your financial support, too. If the Lord moves your heart, please consider supporting us financially.  You may visit www.jubilink.com and find Heartland 2011 under “Projects” to support us.  Jubilink will also allow you to support us through Paypal. 

Thank you so much for your love and support, and being a part of what the Lord is doing for the city of Namyangjoo.

In Christ,

Janice Lee

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