Alexander Minsoo Sohn

Heartland 2016

모금 완료

Heartland Mission: Prayer/ Support Later

Hello friends, family, and loved ones,

I will be part of a team to plan and travel a youth outreach program in Namyangju from August 8-13. We will be in Namyangju doing a Vacation Bible School for elementary students and an outreach program to middle and high school students.


Namyangju is just northeast of Seoul. Although it is not far from Seoul, Namyangju is heavily underdeveloped when compared to Seoul. There are a lot of children who are sent out to Namyangju to live with their grandparents because their parents may have split, become widowded, or cannot support their them. Because of this the children are put in a very difficult position in terms of education, emotion, and relationships with others. In Korean society the type of job you get, the type of people you are around, and how you "rank" in society is determined by what college you go to, this creates a "hyper-comptetive" education enviroment. However, the students of Namyangju do not have the same preparatory institutes and “hagwons” as students in Seoul and thus are put at a disadvantage in the "hyper-competitive" education enviroment. Because of this the youth in Namyangju feel lost and insecure when it comes to their future and their own image. This insecurity and lack of self worth causes emotional and relational instability in the their life.

The reason why I wanted to be a part of the mission trip begins with my upbrining. I was raised in the home of first generation Korean immigrants in Connecticut. And as a family, the only community of Koreans we could find was at a small church called New Haven Korean Church. I spent a lot of time within the church as a kid and had a lot of older brothers and sisters in Christ that looked after me. At the time I really didn’t understand what God’s love really was outside of the bible song “Jesus Loves Me This I Know”. But despite being so young I felt God’s love through the unconditional love of my older brothers and sisters in Christ and the church community. I credit a lot of who I am to the older brother and sisters at my church in Connecticut and I firmly believe that the best way to show God’s love is not through preaching or VBS songs but through our actions of love.

Graduating highschool and now being the same age as my brothers and sister in christ from New Haven Korean Church (when I was a kid). I feel that God has put me in the position to have a big impact on the lives of youth from Namyangju. I feel that God has blessed me with so much love from brothers and sisters in Christ in order for me to go out and do the same.

As a missions team we aim to tell the youth of Namyangju the Good News because we are all God’s children and we are blessed to learn of the Good News and all the hope that comes with it. Personally, I wish to be a good role model for these children and let them know that the community of the God is somewhere they can always find safe haven and love even in the darkest of times. I also wish to instill a willingness to unselfishly and unconditionally love others in the youth of Namyangju through my personal actions and through the word of God.

In order for me and my team to makes this possible we need love and participation from you. A total of 500,000 Korean Won must be raised to cover any cost from the trip. I need your help to raised half of the total (250,000 Korean Won). If you are willing to support me and the kids of Namyangju visit my the teams jubilink page at <> and look for my picture and name and add to the basket.

Another great way to support me and the team is through prayer. Here are a few prayer request:

  1. For the team to be willing to serve and be ready to be used by God for his work.

  2. For the hearts of the children of Namyangju to be fertile and open..

  3. For the team to bond over the next few weeks before the trip.

  4. For safety, health, and protection from spiritual attacks for the team before and during the trip.

  5. And for me to be able to prepare myself by furthering my knowledge of the Word so that I can be an effective vessel in which God can speak through.

Finally, if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask or find me at church ( I am in the Jubilee Youth Ministry downstairs)


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