Scott Cook

Heartland 2016

모금 완료

Letter of support for Jubilee Summer Missions from Scott Cook

Greetings from Scott!

From Korea!!


Well, it's been another year here in Korea, but as usual, things are anything but the same. Since comming back from our missions outreach last summer, I've continued to work as a small group leader in my church, Jubilee, but I've also gotten involved in our children's ministry as well. Doing crafts, singing songs, sharing Bible lessons... I really can't believe I'm here doing this sometimes. At this point people start asking, "Do you really like kids that much?" or "Wow, you must really love Korea!" but it's not really that at all. God's given me a heart for this place and this group, and the last thing I want to do right now is pull a Jonah. For those of you who miss me, you just don't know how many times I've tried to get back, but beleive it or not, I think God's keeping me here for a reason. 

I truly believe that part of that reason is in our missions program called Heartland that Jubilee sets up every year for underprivlidged children living in Namyangju, just outside of Seoul. This year, I'll be leading the team that I joined last year to host a 3-day vacation Bible school and a 2-day youth revival program at our host church in the Korean countryside. This year, our outreach will be form Aug. 9-13. This is our chance to sow back into the people of the country in which we are living and to fulfill the Lord's call for us to be a blessing unto this nation. As you might know, for the children/youth of Korea, if you aren't from Seoul and/or able to go to a top university, you are pretty much hopeless or even worthless in the eyes of society. 

But we in Christ know that this is a lie! This is not the truth! Those kids in the rural areas do indeed have great value and hope because Jesus said so! He died on the cross for them, just as much as He died for us and the kids that go to Seoul National University and declared that in Him, He has great plans for everyone that believes in him. This is the message that we need to/must/ and get to bring to the children of these rural areas. 

In order to make this mission possible, I need your support. Just about 5,000 USD will pay for our food, lodging, transportation, materials, and supplies. Our team has already pledged half the amount to invest in this kingdom cause. Would you partner with us to help fund the remaining half?

Please consider supporting our work in South Korea by making donations of $25, $50, $100 or more. To give, you can visit our Jubilink fundraising page:

Prayer Requests:

* For my heart to be ready and willing to be used by God.

* For the hearts of the Koreans to be fertile soil for the gospel.

* For team bonding and unity as we train for the next 5 weeks.

* For safetey, health, and protection

Thankyou for considering how to partner with me in the gospel to make His name known among all peoples. All glory be to God!

In Christ's Love,


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