David Hwang

Heartland 2014

Fundraising Completed

Support Letter

Needing your support, PLEEEASE!!! ^^

The 2014 Heartland will be heading to a rural area just outside of Seoul (Namyangju) to run a Vacation Bible School for the under-privileged kids in that area (3rd-6th graders). It will be a 4 day event from Aug 11-14th, during which we are praying that the Lord will do mighty things through this VBS camp (called "Jungle Safari") to bring healing and hope to kids whom society has deemed unworthy and hopeless because they are not from privileged backgrounds/not living in a privileged area. But we know that this is not true, because Jesus said so, and we want to go tell them this good news!

But to make this event all that we are praying/trusting that it will be, we/I will need you partnership in prayer and finances. 

The cost of the trip is 500,000 KRW. This will cover the costs of the trip including lodging, food, supplies, transporation, and other items needed for the trip including offering to the different groups that have come together to make this camp possible.

Concenring prayers, please pray for the logistics of the trip, the children that we will be serving, team unity, our team's preparation of activities, the safety and health of the team, and for myself specifically for wisdom to lead this team well.

Please consider partnering with me!

Thank You!

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