Tina Lee

ERC 2011

Fundraising Completed

Support Tina Lee

Hello fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,

I pray and hope that you all are having new and fresh encounters with our Lord Jesus Christ
every. single. day. He loves you cherishes you and is jealous over you. For myself,
I am experiencing this on a whole 'nother level. Initially, graduating from college (kind of...)
and coming back to Korea, I thought the first thing I should do was to look for an internship
in order to ground myself, gain experience and basically do as a graduate should.
However, God turned my heart. He had different plans for me, one that will prosper me
and not harm me, one that will grant me hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)

Coming back to Korea and catching up with people, I shared a lot about this past semester.
I describe it as the hardest, most darkest, spiritually violent time of my life. God showed
me what my life could possibly be like without Him. I was physically ill, artistically unmotivated,
mentally weakened, and spritiaully completely dried out. The thoughts I possessed were violent
and dark, but overall just chaotic. I was shocked that I could hit a spiritual low like that.
I couldn't believe that I, Tina Lee, can fall behind in my faith. Tina, who was at the time leading
a small group, who told those who were in pain to rejoice in the Lord even in your sorrows,
who basically thought her faith could save her, and believed that her faith will carry her through
the hardest times. I had faith in my faith. I was prideful and foolish to think that there is ANYTHING
else other than Jesus that could save me in the moments of trials.

God rebuked me in his gentleness and kindness. He brought me to my knees, humbled me and
said His grace covers all. He revealed to me that the darkness I experienced for a little more than
three months, was the story for most of humanity, that even those who believe and claim Jesus
as their Lord and savior, are lonely and weakened in their spirit. He showed me that the body of
Christ needs the different body parts, that one is not less important than the other (1Corinthians 12).

And so, here I am, signed up, getting trained to go on the ERC (English Revival Camp) missions trip.
It is my second time being a part of ERC. It is my honor and privilege to go back and experience
Jesus with my team, staff workers, students and the Holy Spirit! It will be a five-day long camp from
July 25-29. The camp invites North Korean refugees from a school called Heavenly Dream School,
and South Korean students from all over the country. We, as the Jubilee ERC missions team will be
in charge of bible study and skits, but the main focus of the camp itself is to help and aid the students
to experience the love the Christ has in store for them. My heart is glad and humbled that I will be
a part of this wonderful vision.

Please pray for ERC. Here are some prayer requests!

1. Pray that God will grant ERC unity, unity within the different teams, unity within the students.

2. Pray for protection over the students - that Satan will not have any authority in their lives before,
    during and after the camp.

3. Pray for our team - there is a lot to prepare and we could easily be stressed, but pray that god
    will give us a heart of joy as we finish up the lessons.

4. Pray that God will heal lives, and claim His people, capture the hearts of His people.

I thank you in advance for your prayer support. Please let me know if you have any questions
via email. I will be more than willing to share about the great and mighty works God is doing
through ERC. There is one more way you can support the team and myself. If you are able,
please support our team financially so that we will be sent out in abundance, therefore give in
abundance. You can follow the instructions on jubilink for that and again, email me if you have
any questions relating to financial support.

Thank you thank you and thank you again for reading through this letter and supporting me
through prayer and as God may lead, finances.

Have a great summer everyone!



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